Meet Broderick Wood

Earlier this year, the Office of the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Information Services & Technology) received a record-breaking number of nominations for the 2020 IT Awards. We are excited to recognize the individuals who were nominated and the important contributions they make everyday at the University of Alberta.

Broderick has been working in IT at the University of Alberta for the past 19 years and is currently the Research IT Manager in the Department of Computing Science. His affinity for technology and love for helping others has led him to grow many relationships across campus.

We spoke with Broderick to learn more about his role and what motivates him.

What does a day in the life look like in your position?

Previously I did a lot of running around to people's offices and labs to meet them but now it consists of a lot of text messages, e-mail and video chats without a lot of in-person contact. I am nearly constantly chatting with someone even while I work on different tasks.

What’s one thing you’re working on now, and why is it important?

Rationalization of some of the older services in Computing Science to more centralized services, whether that be at the Faculty or Campus level. This is an important step to removing the Departments dependencies on these systems that have not been properly supported for years and even less so after more recent staff losses.

What have you worked on since joining the university that you are most proud of?

I don't have a single task or project that I am the most proud of but the aspect of my job that I receive the most pride from would be working with the student interns that I have had the pleasure of managing over all these years. Seeing them grow and change and teaching them new skills during their time with us is one of my favorite things.

Why did you pursue a career in IT?

I have always had an affinity for technology and loved helping people. I couldn't do just one or the other and still be happy. Technology that doesn't actually help someone do what they want to accomplish is pointless.

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?

How to properly express to others the true importance of service and relationships and how critical these are to the success of any project or goal. So many times the people part of IT is forgotten, whether that be the clients who use the service or the people that support it for those clients.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?

Web Browser, SSH client and VPN software. Those 3 can get me pretty much anything else I need. I rarely even use the actual phone portion of my phone anymore.

Anything else you'd like to share? 

I have worked with many amazing people over my many years on campus and cherish the many relationships I have made. I hope that we continue to have the opportunities to work together and provide the University with the excellent service it's people deserve over the years to come.

Broderick Wood was nominated for an IT Award earlier this year for his work in the role of IT Manager in the Department of Computing Science. His knowledge of the people and different departments within the Faculty of Science was critical in determining the success of the Faculty of Science’s Research IT team during its first two years.